There are a variety of issues that can cause neck pain, ranging from a simple sprain to a herniated disc. One of the most common causes of neck pain that we treat in our practice is herniated discs. Neck pain can also be caused by arthritic changes related to aging. No matter what the cause, Dr. Pribil can help.
Many people suffer from back pain at some point in life suffer from back pain. Many times the condition is self limiting and people recover from it on their own. Other times, especially when longer lasting pain is involved, such as disc herniations, surgery may be required and Dr. Pribil is a leading expert in the field.
Auto accidents are a leading cause of long-term neck and back pain that can best be treated with non-invasive spinal surgery to alleviate the pain of a herniated disc and other injuries. Call Dr. Pribil today at 1.800.538.8685 to schedule your free initial consultation to see how we can help.